We have a new name! McPherson County Humane Society is now Cat House McPherson.

Cat House
You deserve a free-spirited, fun-loving companion. Let us set you up with your next best friend.

We believe in Peace. And Love. And Cats.
From spaying and neutering, to responsibly rehoming misplaced cats, you can help ensure long-term harmony for the kitties of McPherson.

Join our cleaning crew or be a temporary home for adoptable cats.
Perk: unlimited snuggles.

Success Stories
Adopted in 2020 and 2021
MEET Max & Mollie
“I didn’t know I was a ‘cat-person’ until Max adopted our family. When we saw Mollie, we fell in love with her instantly, and I realized I really do like cats. They add a lot to our family life without requiring tons of effort. They really do have their own personalities and, just like people, have times of being super ornery and other times of being super sweet. We’re so glad to have them as part of our family!”
- Max & Mollie's Family

Adopted in July 2018
MEET Fargo
“Fargo was prescribed to me by my therapist. I was having a very hard time in college and was recommended to get an ESA. He was crucial to my mental health during my senior year. He took his job very seriously.
Fargo is really in tune with people's emotions, and he'll come and plop himself down on my chest the moment I start to cry. He's brought me out of so many anxiety attacks by demanding my attention.”
- Fargo's Family

Adopted in November 2017
MEET Snickerdoodle
“I sought a quiet, independent friend following graduating college and moving out on my own. Snix is my pride and joy. She runs to the door when I come home. She loves to hold hands, and sleeps curled up with all four paws in my palm each night.
We both love sitting out on the porch in the spring when it gets warm. And, I love that she moves a little slower and is content to look and listen to the birds, but not chase them.
I hope people don’t discount adopting older cats, because they could be missing out on the perfect companion. I love kittens, but having an older cat who wants to snuggle and watch TV with me is a treat.”
- Jo

Adopted in August 2021
“I specifically love that he likes to snuggle! Especially at night, I often wake up with his face pressed to mine and a bit of his drool on my cheek. I moved to Kansas from San Francisco in July and got Fitz a month later. He has made my life so, so much more fun and bright.”
- Ashton

Cat House
We can all agree– every cat deserves care and love into their golden years. But, did you know that senior cats, which we call Golden Hearts, also often make the best companions? They come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities, but often are the perfect blend of independent and snuggly that we all crave in a 4-legged companion.

Medical Evaluation
Each cat and kitten receives an evaluation and treatment from our local veterinary partners. Standard treatments include spay/neutering and vaccinations, though some cats require more specialized care to live a long, happy life.
Care is primarily funded by our generous donors.
Cat House cares for 50-70+ cats and kittens at a time, preparing them to go home to a loving family.